GiMeSpace Read More Ajax Loader

This plugin enables you to load articles right in place where your "read more" buttons and links are.
So if you are in a Category Blog view, your users can quickly see the whole articles without reloading a the whole new page.
It's possible to enable the option to also load articles in the Catergory List view.
You can also make your own readmore buttons. If, for example, you put this code in a module:

  <p>This text stays</p>
   <p>This text will be replaced</p>
    <p class="readmore">
     <a href="/blog/my_article" class="btn">Your readmore button text</a>

Make sure that your link is a local link starting with a "/". External links are not allowed, only local Joomla® links!

An example you can see in the module on the right, loading this article in that module. The Category Blog and Category List examples you can select from to top menu.
The simple version without the "Read Less" button you can get for only 15AUD.

Download version 5.0 here for $15.00 AUD (~ $10 USD)


GiMeSpace Read More Show Less Ajax Loader

The "deluxe" has a "Show less" button on the bottom of the Ajax loaded article so it can collapse again to the original state before you clicked the readmore button.
The examples on this site all show the Read Less button as a arrow pointing up. Please note that you can easily change the arrow on the "Show less" button by editing the gmsajaxloader.php file in the zip file. In line 78 you change the symbol to your prefered text and zip everything again into a new zip file. Email us if you need assistance!

Download version 5.0 here for $22 AUD (~ $15 USD)



GiMeSpace Read More Ajax Loaders for Joomla® 3.x are still available upon request.

GiMeSpace Bootstrapped Dropdown Menu for Joomla® 4 & 5.x

The standard Joomla menu does not add the specific bootstrap code to style the menu in Bootstrap style.
This module will add the required code making a menu show correctly with bootstrap dropdowns. 
To keep it light weight it only uses the standard Bootstrap 5 javascript and because of that it supports only one level dropdowns.
Most bootstrap templates have build in support for the mobile hamburger menu if you publish this menu in the menu module position.

Download version 5.1 here for FREE!

GiMeSpace Bootstrapped menu for Joomla® 3.x is still available for download here



GiMeSpace Extensions for Joomla® are released under the GPL V3 License.
Fully following GPL License rules.
Fully following Joomla® License rules.

GiMeSpace is not affiliated with or endorsed by the Joomla!® Project or Open Source Matters.
The Joomla!® name and logo is used under a limited license granted by Open Source Matters the trademark holder in the United States and other countries.
GiMeSpace is specialized in making Windows desktop enhancements (Desktop extenders and utilities), see the main site here.


 GiMeSpace Desktop Extenders - Get unlimited desktop space and windows bigger than your screen!

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